Book Price Wizard

To receive a quick, online estimated book price answer all questions, choosing from the options shown. When you have answered all questions, click to see your price. For an estimated price on more complex book or a commercial printing job, click here for our Custom Print Form. The price you receive using our Book Price Wizard or Custom Print Form is an estimated price based upon information you provided and our current pricing. All price estimates are subject to change upon receipt and review of the actual order.

Basic information:

Number of books required (quantity range 50 - 1000):

Finished size of your book (portrait orientation only):

Number of pages, including title page, index, appendix etc. (page range 16 - 424):

Cover options:

How will you be supplying your book's cover? (All hardcopy must already have crops).

Type of cover to be printed for your book:

Black & White

Type of printing on the inside of your books cover:

Black & White

Paper stock for the book's cover:
(Note: 8 pt. Coated will be used on all quantities less than 250)

Text page options:

How will you be supplying your text pages? (All hardcopy must already be imposed & have crops).

Paper stock for your book's text pages:

Color of the text in your book:


Book binding options:

As you review the book binding options, the drawing will change, showing an example of each style. Select only one.

Perfect Bound
Saddle Stitch
Plastic Comb
Wire - O
3 Hole

Turn around time:

Select the turnaround time you require for the printing of your book:
Rush Services Available - Call for information or to schedule (800)-836-7581

Your information:

Enter your e-mail address (required):

Enter your real name (required):

Enter your phone number (required):

Enter the title of your book (required):

When will your book be ready for printing? (required):

15 - 90 days
Over 90 days
Just considering printing a book

How did you hear about us? (required):